Could it be? Could I really cross two things off in one week!? I suppose we'll find out on Saturday. For now, let's focus on #19!
Monday night Kelsey had a few of us over for a bonfire. More specifically, Kevin, Grassley, and myself. Joined by her brother Drew and eventually her parents, we set out to build a campfire without lighters, chopped wood, starting bricks, newspaper, or any of the other glorious amenities that the world relies on to begin fires.
I suppose I should pause and take you back to why #19 even exists.
When I was 10 years old my family went to Alaska for a 3 week vacation. We rented a motorhome and drove all over, pulling over whenever we felt like sleeping and driving when we were awake. (Time had no grasp on us as we were there in July when the sun never sets!). One day I was determined to build the fire... all by myself. I told my parents of my plan and went out into the woods and gathered sticks and leaves and caribou hair and every flammable looking item I could hold in my arms.
I trekked back to the motorhome where, to my dismay, I found a fire already blazing. I was SO upset. My parents told me that I could build the fire and then they went and did it themselves! That's when I decided that one day, whether they liked it or not, I was going to build my own fire. And I wasn't going to use any of their stinkin wood either.
And thus, #19 was born.
So, Monday night, we gathered sticks and leaves and the hemp that Grassley had and we headed back to the pond. I build a lincoln log cabin around the hemp and used the magnesium and knife to launch sparks onto the entire contraption. Soon enough, it lit and I had to blow like crazy to keep it going. I added leaves and a few sticks (all at Grassley's direction, of course) and finally had it going. Kelsey documented it with pictures (which I'll upload when I get ahold of!) and eventually we built it up with pre-cut wood (because I wasn't allowed to go chop down a tree). That's okay though.. I got to start it, and that's what I wanted!
In other news, I learned how to hot-wire a car this week. But that wasn't on the list. =(
Anyway, super stoked! 16 of 31 things crossed off the list! More than half way there! I'd better slow down a bit... I've hopefully still got more than half of my life left to go!