So I realized that all we can do is be happy and do the best we can while we are still alive. -Ecclesiastes 3:12

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Back at it: #29 Here I Come

Just 2 days after I began training again following the broken foot, I stress fractured the other foot. Blah. But that's just not normal. So I went to Tortoise and Hare, the running store, and talked to a very nice employee who assessed how I walk and everything. He said I have great shoes -- they're the same ones he trains in -- but that my arches cause the top of my foot to take all of the impact when I run. The shoes I have are great but the material they're made out of gets really hard when it's cold. So basically, when I run in the cold, I'm running on rocks and the tiny bones in the top of my foot take all of the impact. I guess that explains why those little bones break after a few miles. SO he fitted me with inserts that will absorb the shock and told me to avoid hardcore training for a week or two.

Thus, it's ellypticals, walking, and lots of weight training for the next couple of weeks until stress fracture #2 heals up. Thank goodness for SarahJoy. We go to the gym every day & whoop it. I feel SO much better now that I'm back at it.

Also, my bathing suit is in the mail. Can't wait to start swimming. =) June 19, 2010 here I come!!!

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