So I realized that all we can do is be happy and do the best we can while we are still alive. -Ecclesiastes 3:12

Saturday, August 29, 2009

All in a night's work

Well, it is 10 am and I'm just now getting to bed. Ah the joys of the midnight shift. Problem is, I drank a cup of "coffee" (since I hate coffee, I put in 10 packets of sugar and a bunch of milk) before I got off work at 7:30 and it worked a bit TOO well. I was awake for the hour drive home (which was the point of the coffee) but have learned that coffee makes me REALLY awake. So I decided to go to Mass. Of course, the one church that has an 8:30am Saturday mass is the one church that I couldn't find (even with 20 minutes of driving around). So I decided to just go home. Out of boredom I took a new route... and this new route took me by St. Charles -- the one church in Monroe that has perpetual adoration. So I decided to stop by the chapel and say a rosary. I've gotta say - I'm probably going to spend a LOT more time in that chapel.

Anyway, I'm home now and I have to leave in 6 hours for my next job (babysitting a teeny one). I was hoping to get some training in today but unfortunately it doesn't look like that's going to happen. Unless Harper is up for a stroller ride this evening! Perhaps that'll work out... if the rain holds for me!

p.s. If you have the time, could you pray for a few people? Grandpa Fred, Mr. Chalfa, Amy, and a young patient of mine whose heart gave out when she gave birth to her daughter 2 months ago (and there's nothing they can do to save her) could all benefit greatly from your prayers, as could their families and friends. =)

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