So I realized that all we can do is be happy and do the best we can while we are still alive. -Ecclesiastes 3:12

Friday, September 4, 2009

The Adventures of Settling In

Well, my room is just about officially done. We finished arranging the living room and finally have a shower curtain, complete with rubber ducks.

It's been a great week though. We moved in Tuesday morning and spent the day unpacking. Wednesday I had my dentist appointment and spent the day in Monroe. Thursday was babysitting & a bonfire with C. I expected that to be awkward, given that we are now both ex's of the same guy, but it was really fun! We have a lot more in common than I expected. I'm glad I'm more outgoing now, else I probably wouldn't have had the courage to go.

Speaking of that, I have become quite an adventurous girl in the past 2 months. On my 20th birthday something changed. I'm not sure what it was, but my self confidence went from -23472 to a positive number. =) I found what makes me happy and am sticking to it. Before June 30th, I never would have considered skydiving. I never would have gone to C's house for a bonfire. I never would have decided to train for a triathlon, and I wasn't as happy and outgoing as I am now. Thank God for unanswered prayers!

As for the craziness of college life... I wish we had more time before classes start. I have three more days and I have no idea when I'm going to get everything done! Tomorrow I'll be in Tecumseh and Monroe all day, Sunday is the Miles Christi picnic, and Monday is a holiday. Sometime in there I've got to buy my course packs, figure out where I'm going on Tuesday, write a paper, study for The Exam (if I don't get an A, I'm kicked out of my nursing classes), hang out with Jade, etc etc etc. Too much to do!

Today was nice though. Last night was girls' night, and although we ended up arranging furniture and discussing all of our potential boyfriends instead of watching Little Miss Sunshine, we had a great time. (We felt very high school). This morning the Comcast guy came and gave us cable/internet (quite exciting). I drove one of the girls home and went grocery shopping & to KMart to get a wireless router. Set that up (tried to be all techy... it apparently worked!) and then went to the pool for an afternoon of meeting people in the apartment complex. =) Then I visited my brother and went babysitting. Quite an eventful, relaxing day.

Last night was the first soccer game of the season. I love that team. =) I'm so glad J asked me to play -- I didn't realize how much I missed soccer until I played last night! Looks like we'll be better this season too - hooray!

Duty calls - the 3 year old threw up and I get to go play nurse. (Poor little guy).


  1. I love your exciting life and am so glad that you are happy and confident. You have so many adventures ahead in your life--I am (almost) envious and would like to go back to a 20 year old, but my life was not as exciting as yours. I already had two children and was expecting my 3rd--but it was the kind of life I wanted and I have no regrets.

    Have fun Sweetness!

  2. I don't consider my life exciting, but I'm glad someone does! :) Two kids already... wow you had to grow up fast! I can't imagine having kids already, much as I love them. =)
