So I realized that all we can do is be happy and do the best we can while we are still alive. -Ecclesiastes 3:12

Friday, September 11, 2009

Welcome to the First Week of Junior Year

This was an absolutely crazy week. Welcome to the life of a Nursing student, I suppose!

Monday was a holiday this week, but in the future it will be 6am-12pm psych clinical (with little kids!) and 3-8:30pm psych clinical with grownups.

Tuesday was quite busy too as I went to 7am Mass, then class all day, followed by volunteering at the Children's hospital and a Students for Life meeting until late evening. Starting next week I'll be in OB clinical from 6:30am-3:30pm with babies!!

Wednesday was 7am Mass, class all day, buying Coursepacks, volunteering, and studying at the library with Sarah until late.

Today was better. =) I couldn't go to Mass because my 8am class is a 40 minute walk away & starts promptly at 8. It was an interesting class though. I got to feed people baby food. Woohoo! Then it was time for the Exam of Death. If we didn't get an A on it, we were kicked out of the Nursing school. (Yay!). We passed though!! (By we, I mean my friend Sarah & I). Surviving the nursing school for at least another day...

After the exam I worked the Festifall table for Students for Life & then went to class again. After class people came over & we watched fun TV shows while doing online homework. Then it was time for the soccer game!!!

I absolutely love those soccer games. I'm not sure why I enjoy it so much more this year as opposed to last year, but it's what I look forward to every week. And when I say "look forward to" I mean REALLY look forward to it. We have a lot of younger people on the team, which is fun because I'm meeting all sorts of people. But the girls haven't changed (still Jill Liz Patty & me) which is nice, because I know them relatively well now.

Not to mention that the past few weeks of running and training have apparently done wonders for my soccer skills. Not that I'm very good (I'm still a goalie at heart) but the guys actually pass to me quite regularly now, and my shots are actually hard and on goal! I'm not sure if it's that the (now ex) boyfriend isn't on the team, so I'm not as nervous, or if it's just natural improvement, or if it's just that my self esteem has really truly grown THAT much in the past 2 months... but I actually feel confident when I'm going to shoot a ball. And I LOVE playing!!! Ah such a stress reliever. And a great workout!

I was so pumped after the game that I went for a run with one of the roommates. We went 2 miles at 8 min/mile (conversation pace). It was great! I usually hate running with people, but we had a great time. We did a good ab workout afterwards. Getting closer to my fitness goals! =) I'm quite excited.

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