So I realized that all we can do is be happy and do the best we can while we are still alive. -Ecclesiastes 3:12

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Completing #28: Go skydiving.

So it's official. I've crossed off #28 and lived to tell the tale! Not only that, but the 72 year old Morality teacher survived too!

Got up early & got ready... went to Kyle's to sell my ticket... drove to Monroe. Met Kelsey Sags Wick & Lauwers at SMCC and headed to Tecumseh. We signed our lives away on a massive legal document and waited for our turn. =) It took forever, so we got some McDonald's and played with the skydiving baby (Sophia). Eventually they called us into the back room and stuck us in harnesses and pretty parachute pants. We met our videographers, did a few interviews, and met our tandem guys (aka the guys we were going to be strapped to). Kelsey met a Clamdiggers guy that followed her around... he ended up giving her a gift certificate for Clamdiggers. Good times. =P Finally the plane came round & we loaded up!

Jumping out of a plane is interesting. While in the plane, you get strapped to your guy. This has the potential to be a very awkward situation. They put you between their legs and strap themselves to you. Then they pull you up on their lap and tighten things up. Hands go in places that they should neverrrr be (especially on the day you meet). Luckily Ian & I got along and had a good time... else that would not have gone over well with me. Anyway, once you're all strapped up and they've successfully manhandled your chest straps and inner thigh harness pieces, they carry you. Or, at least, Ian carried me. Mr. Lauwers walked to the door of the plane... Ian told me "put your feet on my butt" -- which was more difficult than you'd think! -- and he carried me to the door. I wasn't touching the ground when we jumped either. I'm not sure if that's to avoid me chickening out at the last minute, or just because it made him seem more macho, but that's what we did. =P

It was quite cold up that high. But it was so fun that I didn't even mind. In fact, I didn't really notice it until the parachute went up and Ian asked if I was cold. Haha. Go figure. But it was SO fun! You free fall for a while... once you hit 200 miles per hour, they put up a mini white chute to slow you to about 130. Then they pull the regular parachute and you fly around. Ian let me drive the chute for awhile... quite difficult but amazingly fun. Not to mention the AMAZING weather we were blessed with! I might be addicted to this whole skydiving thing... which is bad, because it's quite an expensive habit. (Good thing my dad's a pilot! Maybe he'll drive the plane for me!). It's SO amazing to just float up there like that!

When you land, you have to hold your legs up as though you're sitting on the ground (because that's what they want to happen when you land). Good thing I've been working on my abs! =)

Basically the most amazing thing I've ever done. I wanna go again!!!


  1. It sounds so amazing and glad you got a picture of it. I wondered when I went to bed last night, how it went for you and if you survived! Glad you did and glad you can check #28 off your list. Good to do it now, while you are young, as with my bad hip, I couldn't do it (even if I wanted to...which I don't). Brave Girl!!!

  2. Actually, the 72 year old morality teacher that went has an artificial hip. I'm not sure if it hurt him or not... he'd never admit it if it did. But it was quite fun! =) And my mom didn't have a heart attack either! Overall a good day.
