So I realized that all we can do is be happy and do the best we can while we are still alive. -Ecclesiastes 3:12

Friday, October 16, 2009

Completing #20: Let 99 red balloons go outside and watch them float away.

Best. Day. Ever. And it was supposed to suck. (Go figure). Just goes to show you that no day is ever worthless unless you make it so.

Was late to 8 am class (with no damn Michigan time). Then ran to St. Joe's to copy charts (which I promise you is not exciting) and then back to campus for class again. Although I must admit... Sarah & I had some absolutely hilarious times today. Meter Man & our Biker & Immathong made the morning quite exciting. Unfortunately it was short-lived thanks to classes.

Anyhow, hung out with Andrea for awhile and then put on some warmer clothes for The Surprise. It was probably the best surprise I've ever received. Better than I've ever heard of. Probably better than any surprise in any movie ever. (I haven't seen many movies but my guess is that no movie can compare to the gloriousness of it).

I'd ask if you're ready to hear about it but I'm pretty sure you can't ever be ready for this. So I'll just tell you.

I met Tom at the parking garage where he works. We parked & then I had to close my eyes while we went upstairs. We got to the top & I was allowed to peek. It was raining & chilly but believe it or not, Ann Arbor is super pretty from up there. Anyway, then Tom stepped out of the way and behind him, tied to the railings of the parking garage, were 99 red balloons. Yeah. I know. Crazy, right? How in the world did he manage to get that many balloons, first of all, and secondly, how'd he get them to the parking garage? And how'd he get them all tied and ready? SO good. (Shout out to Brandon for his part in it!). Anyway, after I got over the initial shock and confirmed that I was alive, we went & let 99 red balloons go & watched them float over Ann Arbor. It was absolutely glorious. I highly doubt you understand how excited I was (and still am) about completing that one. For real. Not to mention the fact that someone would go through that much trouble to help me cross something off my list. I may have had some help in completing quite a few of the things on that list, but none took the planning and coordination that letting 99 red balloons go did. (Not to mention the fact that it's illegal). Yeesh this kid is amazing. October 15, 2009 = a spectacular day.

The Updated List

1 comment:

  1. What an absolutely neat and wondrous thing to do!!!! I adore Tom for helping!!!
