So I realized that all we can do is be happy and do the best we can while we are still alive. -Ecclesiastes 3:12

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Working on #29: Complete a Triathlon

Last night I hardcore trained for the triathlon... on accident. The plan was to do my usual 3 mile trail. But a mile into it, I decided I was bored of that and wanted to do a longer jog instead. So, I stretched, changed my music from hardcore pump up rap to slow girlie songs, and set out.

Then I realized I didn't know where I was going.

So, in my usual random fashion, I opted to do something crazy. I was going to let crosswalk lights determine my route.

In hindsight, this may have been a bad idea. However, it was extremely relaxing at the time. I ended up, in a very roundabout way, past the stadium. And, in a very roundabout way, made it home. I ended up going over 11 miles. At 7:30 minute mile pace.

You may not understand the speed of that run. When I was in cross country, 8 minute miles made varsity. 7 minute miles won first place. How the heck did I manage 7:30 minute miles for over 11 miles!? I may never know. But my body is pissed.

My knee (the one that doctors left metal in when I was 10) is screaming, and my foot is even angrier. Not sure what's wrong there. It seriously feels like I've got some broken bones on the top, although I highly doubt it. I didn't do anything that would break a bone.

Not to mention that I'm cramping again. It's been like a week. Come on uterus - work with me here. I can't handle you ditching your lining every two weeks. What happened to the every 30 day schedule we've had worked out for the past 7 years? Yeesh.

Anyway, I digress. Point is, I tried to run tonight and made it a mile and a half with quite a huge amount of pain. So I'm home. Bike riding tomorrow instead. I wish I had my swimsuit - that'd be perfect in this situation. And I need to start training for the swimming portion anyway.

Yay triathlon!

1 comment:

  1. you may need to go on The Pill to get rid of the irregular bleeding problems--or just start running 11 miles every day and that should scare your uterus into not doing the 30 day thing at all. What a bonus that would be--eh?
