Just minutes into Christmas Day I completed item #12: Receive a message in a bottle. AND it was technically even on water (because snow is a form of H20, obv). Twas a true adventure - it even involved a scavenger hunt (of sorts) and I was attacked by a dog in the process. Gotta love Jaymin. He's always got the best gift ideas. =)
So I realized that all we can do is be happy and do the best we can while we are still alive. -Ecclesiastes 3:12
Friday, December 25, 2009
Completing #12: Receive a message in a bottle.
Just minutes into Christmas Day I completed item #12: Receive a message in a bottle. AND it was technically even on water (because snow is a form of H20, obv). Twas a true adventure - it even involved a scavenger hunt (of sorts) and I was attacked by a dog in the process. Gotta love Jaymin. He's always got the best gift ideas. =)
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Back at it: #29 Here I Come
Just 2 days after I began training again following the broken foot, I stress fractured the other foot. Blah. But that's just not normal. So I went to Tortoise and Hare, the running store, and talked to a very nice employee who assessed how I walk and everything. He said I have great shoes -- they're the same ones he trains in -- but that my arches cause the top of my foot to take all of the impact when I run. The shoes I have are great but the material they're made out of gets really hard when it's cold. So basically, when I run in the cold, I'm running on rocks and the tiny bones in the top of my foot take all of the impact. I guess that explains why those little bones break after a few miles. SO he fitted me with inserts that will absorb the shock and told me to avoid hardcore training for a week or two.
Thus, it's ellypticals, walking, and lots of weight training for the next couple of weeks until stress fracture #2 heals up. Thank goodness for SarahJoy. We go to the gym every day & whoop it. I feel SO much better now that I'm back at it.
Also, my bathing suit is in the mail. Can't wait to start swimming. =) June 19, 2010 here I come!!!
stress fracture,
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Failing at #29: Complete a Triathlon
Go figure. That 11 mile run resulted in me being in a cast and out of commission for at least 3 weeks. They let me choose between a real cast and a removable one, however, and although I was tempted to ask if they had Power Rangers or Ninja Turtles for the real cast, I went with the strap on boot. Blah. Not only does it do very little for the pain... it SQUEAKS! Super loud! Try walking through the hospital with that thing on... the world will hate you. =P Keeps things interesting though. And my friends always know where I am.
So another week or two until I find out if it's a tendon or a break. Hopefully it's just the tendon and I'll be able to run in a couple of weeks. I'm missing some great running weather. =(
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Working on #29: Complete a Triathlon
Last night I hardcore trained for the triathlon... on accident. The plan was to do my usual 3 mile trail. But a mile into it, I decided I was bored of that and wanted to do a longer jog instead. So, I stretched, changed my music from hardcore pump up rap to slow girlie songs, and set out.
Then I realized I didn't know where I was going.
So, in my usual random fashion, I opted to do something crazy. I was going to let crosswalk lights determine my route.
In hindsight, this may have been a bad idea. However, it was extremely relaxing at the time. I ended up, in a very roundabout way, past the stadium. And, in a very roundabout way, made it home. I ended up going over 11 miles. At 7:30 minute mile pace.
You may not understand the speed of that run. When I was in cross country, 8 minute miles made varsity. 7 minute miles won first place. How the heck did I manage 7:30 minute miles for over 11 miles!? I may never know. But my body is pissed.
My knee (the one that doctors left metal in when I was 10) is screaming, and my foot is even angrier. Not sure what's wrong there. It seriously feels like I've got some broken bones on the top, although I highly doubt it. I didn't do anything that would break a bone.
Not to mention that I'm cramping again. It's been like a week. Come on uterus - work with me here. I can't handle you ditching your lining every two weeks. What happened to the every 30 day schedule we've had worked out for the past 7 years? Yeesh.
Anyway, I digress. Point is, I tried to run tonight and made it a mile and a half with quite a huge amount of pain. So I'm home. Bike riding tomorrow instead. I wish I had my swimsuit - that'd be perfect in this situation. And I need to start training for the swimming portion anyway.
Yay triathlon!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Completing #20: Let 99 red balloons go outside and watch them float away.
Best. Day. Ever. And it was supposed to suck. (Go figure). Just goes to show you that no day is ever worthless unless you make it so.
Was late to 8 am class (with no damn Michigan time). Then ran to St. Joe's to copy charts (which I promise you is not exciting) and then back to campus for class again. Although I must admit... Sarah & I had some absolutely hilarious times today. Meter Man & our Biker & Immathong made the morning quite exciting. Unfortunately it was short-lived thanks to classes.
Anyhow, hung out with Andrea for awhile and then put on some warmer clothes for The Surprise. It was probably the best surprise I've ever received. Better than I've ever heard of. Probably better than any surprise in any movie ever. (I haven't seen many movies but my guess is that no movie can compare to the gloriousness of it).
I'd ask if you're ready to hear about it but I'm pretty sure you can't ever be ready for this. So I'll just tell you.
I met Tom at the parking garage where he works. We parked & then I had to close my eyes while we went upstairs. We got to the top & I was allowed to peek. It was raining & chilly but believe it or not, Ann Arbor is super pretty from up there. Anyway, then Tom stepped out of the way and behind him, tied to the railings of the parking garage, were 99 red balloons. Yeah. I know. Crazy, right? How in the world did he manage to get that many balloons, first of all, and secondly, how'd he get them to the parking garage? And how'd he get them all tied and ready? SO good. (Shout out to Brandon for his part in it!). Anyway, after I got over the initial shock and confirmed that I was alive, we went & let 99 red balloons go & watched them float over Ann Arbor. It was absolutely glorious. I highly doubt you understand how excited I was (and still am) about completing that one. For real. Not to mention the fact that someone would go through that much trouble to help me cross something off my list. I may have had some help in completing quite a few of the things on that list, but none took the planning and coordination that letting 99 red balloons go did. (Not to mention the fact that it's illegal). Yeesh this kid is amazing. October 15, 2009 = a spectacular day.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Updated List: #30 - Go to an airport & get on the first plane I can catch.

That being said, welcome to the world #30! "Go to an airport and get on the first plane I can catch." This could be a very expensive addition, considering that a last minute trip to say, Paris, probably isn't cheap (especially if it's during the tourist season). However, it's definitely something I now want to do before I die and thus, it made the list. (Shout out to Tom for the idea!).
Also, I have officially seen my first "scary" movie and gone to my first haunted house. Although, I am now motivated to see a movie that actually scares me (hardcore) and a haunted house that makes me want to turn around and run out. The search is on.
Next on my list of things to do this fall: Go to an apple orchard/pumpkin patch, pick apples, and get pumpkins to carve. =)
Saturday, October 10, 2009
I'm Insane
I have officially realized how incredibly weird I am.
1. I stayed up until 5 a.m. last night for no reason, after a week of averaging 3 hours a night.
2. My "happy driving songs" playlist includes everything from the Mario Kart Love Song to Meet Virginia to Hanson to I'm Blue to Journey and Tom Petty. wtf?
3. I just told my mom that I want a wetsuit for Christmas this year.
4. I had my first fast food hamburger last spring, my first wings in August, and have yet to experience IHOP or Denny's. Not to mention the fact that I've never seen a scary movie and have yet to go on or in anything haunted. I only recently began living, apparently.
5. I'm in nursing school. That may not sound insane, but it is. No doubt.
I need to start living. Being insane is SO much more fun. (Although tonight's Haunted House may change my mind).
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Home Sick for the Weekend
Whew College in the Fall of 2009 is absolutely nuts! Swine flu, OB clinical, & Psych are taking over my life!
I had to miss a soccer game and practice (quite unfortunate because I was SO looking forward to them both!) -and today's Michigan game- to go home last night for potential swine flu. One of the eight girls in my clinical came down with the flu (yay H1N1!) and I started getting sick two days ago. Didn't want to risk getting my roommates sick, so I went home for the night. It's been quite an entertaining weekend. My mom blocked off the bathroom with signs saying "STOP! DO NOT USE!" (It is now my personal bathroom) and there is a huge bottle of hand sanitizer near my door. Anyone that comes in or out has to use it. She bought two thermometers (spending over $50 on them!) to check for fever, and got a bunch of DayQuil, NyQuil, Thermaflu, and Cold-Eeze. I wasn't allowed to touch anything except the things in my room (which I'm sure will be Lysoled before I leave) and my mom has been the only one to come in my room (everyone else is too afraid). So far my fever hasn't come back though so we're hoping it's just a really bad cold and not H1N1 flu. At least I'm allowed downstairs now! Oh, not to mention potential ovarian cysts. But we'll see! I've got quite a few interesting symptoms that don't really go together. God just loves to keep things interesting!
Now I'm sitting at home with cups of Thermaflu and Cold-Eeze trying to get rid of whatever this is, while simultaneously watching a movie with my mom and trying to finish the mountains of homework due Monday. And yet, I feel like I could sleep for the next 5 days and still wake up tired. Obviously I'm having trouble focusing on homework. In all fairness, I did write a paper today. Next I have to do a medication care plan and notecards (which took like 20 hours last weekend). At least I have nothing to do tomorrow except help my uncle with math! =) Not to mention the steak dinner my parents are feeding me.
Yay for being sick after the first week of class!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Welcome to the First Week of Junior Year
This was an absolutely crazy week. Welcome to the life of a Nursing student, I suppose!
Monday was a holiday this week, but in the future it will be 6am-12pm psych clinical (with little kids!) and 3-8:30pm psych clinical with grownups.
Tuesday was quite busy too as I went to 7am Mass, then class all day, followed by volunteering at the Children's hospital and a Students for Life meeting until late evening. Starting next week I'll be in OB clinical from 6:30am-3:30pm with babies!!
Wednesday was 7am Mass, class all day, buying Coursepacks, volunteering, and studying at the library with Sarah until late.
Today was better. =) I couldn't go to Mass because my 8am class is a 40 minute walk away & starts promptly at 8. It was an interesting class though. I got to feed people baby food. Woohoo! Then it was time for the Exam of Death. If we didn't get an A on it, we were kicked out of the Nursing school. (Yay!). We passed though!! (By we, I mean my friend Sarah & I). Surviving the nursing school for at least another day...
After the exam I worked the Festifall table for Students for Life & then went to class again. After class people came over & we watched fun TV shows while doing online homework. Then it was time for the soccer game!!!
I absolutely love those soccer games. I'm not sure why I enjoy it so much more this year as opposed to last year, but it's what I look forward to every week. And when I say "look forward to" I mean REALLY look forward to it. We have a lot of younger people on the team, which is fun because I'm meeting all sorts of people. But the girls haven't changed (still Jill Liz Patty & me) which is nice, because I know them relatively well now.
Not to mention that the past few weeks of running and training have apparently done wonders for my soccer skills. Not that I'm very good (I'm still a goalie at heart) but the guys actually pass to me quite regularly now, and my shots are actually hard and on goal! I'm not sure if it's that the (now ex) boyfriend isn't on the team, so I'm not as nervous, or if it's just natural improvement, or if it's just that my self esteem has really truly grown THAT much in the past 2 months... but I actually feel confident when I'm going to shoot a ball. And I LOVE playing!!! Ah such a stress reliever. And a great workout!
I was so pumped after the game that I went for a run with one of the roommates. We went 2 miles at 8 min/mile (conversation pace). It was great! I usually hate running with people, but we had a great time. We did a good ab workout afterwards. Getting closer to my fitness goals! =) I'm quite excited.
nursing school,
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Completing #28: Go skydiving.
So it's official. I've crossed off #28 and lived to tell the tale! Not only that, but the 72 year old Morality teacher survived too!
Got up early & got ready... went to Kyle's to sell my ticket... drove to Monroe. Met Kelsey Sags Wick & Lauwers at SMCC and headed to Tecumseh. We signed our lives away on a massive legal document and waited for our turn. =) It took forever, so we got some McDonald's and played with the skydiving baby (Sophia). Eventually they called us into the back room and stuck us in harnesses and pretty parachute pants. We met our videographers, did a few interviews, and met our tandem guys (aka the guys we were going to be strapped to). Kelsey met a Clamdiggers guy that followed her around... he ended up giving her a gift certificate for Clamdiggers. Good times. =P Finally the plane came round & we loaded up!
Jumping out of a plane is interesting. While in the plane, you get strapped to your guy. This has the potential to be a very awkward situation. They put you between their legs and strap themselves to you. Then they pull you up on their lap and tighten things up. Hands go in places that they should neverrrr be (especially on the day you meet). Luckily Ian & I got along and had a good time... else that would not have gone over well with me. Anyway, once you're all strapped up and they've successfully manhandled your chest straps and inner thigh harness pieces, they carry you. Or, at least, Ian carried me. Mr. Lauwers walked to the door of the plane... Ian told me "put your feet on my butt" -- which was more difficult than you'd think! -- and he carried me to the door. I wasn't touching the ground when we jumped either. I'm not sure if that's to avoid me chickening out at the last minute, or just because it made him seem more macho, but that's what we did. =P
It was quite cold up that high. But it was so fun that I didn't even mind. In fact, I didn't really notice it until the parachute went up and Ian asked if I was cold. Haha. Go figure. But it was SO fun! You free fall for a while... once you hit 200 miles per hour, they put up a mini white chute to slow you to about 130. Then they pull the regular parachute and you fly around. Ian let me drive the chute for awhile... quite difficult but amazingly fun. Not to mention the AMAZING weather we were blessed with! I might be addicted to this whole skydiving thing... which is bad, because it's quite an expensive habit. (Good thing my dad's a pilot! Maybe he'll drive the plane for me!). It's SO amazing to just float up there like that!
When you land, you have to hold your legs up as though you're sitting on the ground (because that's what they want to happen when you land). Good thing I've been working on my abs! =)
Basically the most amazing thing I've ever done. I wanna go again!!!
Friday, September 4, 2009
The Adventures of Settling In
Well, my room is just about officially done. We finished arranging the living room and finally have a shower curtain, complete with rubber ducks.
It's been a great week though. We moved in Tuesday morning and spent the day unpacking. Wednesday I had my dentist appointment and spent the day in Monroe. Thursday was babysitting & a bonfire with C. I expected that to be awkward, given that we are now both ex's of the same guy, but it was really fun! We have a lot more in common than I expected. I'm glad I'm more outgoing now, else I probably wouldn't have had the courage to go.
Speaking of that, I have become quite an adventurous girl in the past 2 months. On my 20th birthday something changed. I'm not sure what it was, but my self confidence went from -23472 to a positive number. =) I found what makes me happy and am sticking to it. Before June 30th, I never would have considered skydiving. I never would have gone to C's house for a bonfire. I never would have decided to train for a triathlon, and I wasn't as happy and outgoing as I am now. Thank God for unanswered prayers!
As for the craziness of college life... I wish we had more time before classes start. I have three more days and I have no idea when I'm going to get everything done! Tomorrow I'll be in Tecumseh and Monroe all day, Sunday is the Miles Christi picnic, and Monday is a holiday. Sometime in there I've got to buy my course packs, figure out where I'm going on Tuesday, write a paper, study for The Exam (if I don't get an A, I'm kicked out of my nursing classes), hang out with Jade, etc etc etc. Too much to do!
Today was nice though. Last night was girls' night, and although we ended up arranging furniture and discussing all of our potential boyfriends instead of watching Little Miss Sunshine, we had a great time. (We felt very high school). This morning the Comcast guy came and gave us cable/internet (quite exciting). I drove one of the girls home and went grocery shopping & to KMart to get a wireless router. Set that up (tried to be all techy... it apparently worked!) and then went to the pool for an afternoon of meeting people in the apartment complex. =) Then I visited my brother and went babysitting. Quite an eventful, relaxing day.
Last night was the first soccer game of the season. I love that team. =) I'm so glad J asked me to play -- I didn't realize how much I missed soccer until I played last night! Looks like we'll be better this season too - hooray!
Duty calls - the 3 year old threw up and I get to go play nurse. (Poor little guy).
girls' night,
unanswered prayers
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Goodbyes & Fresh Beginnings
Go figure. I moved out yesterday and already I'm back home. Just for the day though... dentist appointment before the semester started. No cavities, mom! =)
It's been an eventful day. First I woke up really confused, forgetting where I was. Then I remembered, but realized I was really cold because I left my window open all night and apparently it was quite the chilly night! Anyway, went to Monroe for my dentist appointment, unpacked some bins & such that I brought back home, and then reloaded the car. Who would have thought that there would be an entire carful of stuff left to bring back! I loaded up my bike, two bins that fit under my bed, a bunch of board games (for our weekly game night!), a few care packages from my grandparents for my brother & I, and my turtle.
About that turtle.
His name is Usasem (although if you ask my neighbor's niece, the turtle's name is "Sassy" and it's a girl). Usasem, the real name, stands for United Soccer Association of South Eastern Michigan. (He was my team's mascot). He's been through a lot. He was adopted from a parking lot or something of the sort by my biology teacher in high school. She forgot about him and left him in a box for an entire summer. She found him, and thinking he was dead, asked me to go dispose of him and his brother. His brother was rotted out of his shell, but this little guy wasn't. So I checked and sure enough, he was breathing. So I adopted him! My freshman year roommate dropped him a few times, my friend Sarah threw him across the room on accident, and he's fallen off a table or two. But he's still alive!
Today just added to his miseries. I left him in the car. I completely forget that I'd packed him up... and I went to lunch with my mom for an hour, visited my Morality teacher (who I'm skydiving with!) & my soccer coach for two hours at school, went to my grandparents' for an hour... I hope that turtle lives to see his new home in Ann Arbor!!!
Anyway, I'm at home in Monroe typing this up because my apartment doesn't have internet this week. Hopefully we'll get that set up soon! In the meantime, I'll be playing in my first soccer game of the season, babysitting some of the cutest kids ever, skydiving, and organizing the apartment - such joyous events!
Life is good. =)
It's been an eventful day. First I woke up really confused, forgetting where I was. Then I remembered, but realized I was really cold because I left my window open all night and apparently it was quite the chilly night! Anyway, went to Monroe for my dentist appointment, unpacked some bins & such that I brought back home, and then reloaded the car. Who would have thought that there would be an entire carful of stuff left to bring back! I loaded up my bike, two bins that fit under my bed, a bunch of board games (for our weekly game night!), a few care packages from my grandparents for my brother & I, and my turtle.
About that turtle.
His name is Usasem (although if you ask my neighbor's niece, the turtle's name is "Sassy" and it's a girl). Usasem, the real name, stands for United Soccer Association of South Eastern Michigan. (He was my team's mascot). He's been through a lot. He was adopted from a parking lot or something of the sort by my biology teacher in high school. She forgot about him and left him in a box for an entire summer. She found him, and thinking he was dead, asked me to go dispose of him and his brother. His brother was rotted out of his shell, but this little guy wasn't. So I checked and sure enough, he was breathing. So I adopted him! My freshman year roommate dropped him a few times, my friend Sarah threw him across the room on accident, and he's fallen off a table or two. But he's still alive!
Today just added to his miseries. I left him in the car. I completely forget that I'd packed him up... and I went to lunch with my mom for an hour, visited my Morality teacher (who I'm skydiving with!) & my soccer coach for two hours at school, went to my grandparents' for an hour... I hope that turtle lives to see his new home in Ann Arbor!!!
Anyway, I'm at home in Monroe typing this up because my apartment doesn't have internet this week. Hopefully we'll get that set up soon! In the meantime, I'll be playing in my first soccer game of the season, babysitting some of the cutest kids ever, skydiving, and organizing the apartment - such joyous events!
Life is good. =)
Monday, August 31, 2009
#28: Go skydiving.
It's official. On Saturday September 5th, I am going skydiving. Not just any old skydiving trip though. I am going skydiving with my 72 year old Morality teacher.
That's right. My 72 year old Morality teacher.
He is my hero. In high school, he taught me extremely valuable lessons regarding Social Justice & Morality. He truly cared about my well being, and even had a "talk" with another teacher due to the way she was treating me (and I just found out about that today!). He's always there to listen if I need to talk, and he takes an interest in EVERYONE'S lives -- really, everyone... he made friends with the most random people on the Guatemala trip. I wish I was as genuinely interested in every person's life as he is. He climbed the biggest temples & pyramids in Tikal... and did EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. He's the most humble man I've met, and the most gentle. And now he is jumping out of a plane with myself & 3 girls I played soccer with. I couldn't be more excited about it.
I'm a bit nervous but mostly just ecstatic. I can't believe I'm actually going to jump out of a plane. I've wanted to do it all summer but didn't think I actually would. I'm missing a Michigan game for it and I could care less.
Pray for us!!
In other news, I packed for school today. Filled up a UHaul, my car, my dad's truck, AND I have to come get more on Wednesday. (In all fairness, my dad's truck bed and backseat were MOSTLY filled with my brother's stuff). We'll see how move-in goes!!!
James 1:27
Waking up is my least favorite part of the day, I've decided. I'd rather jump to the part of the day where my face is washed, and my clothes are on. I've quit doing makeup every day - that's made morning a bit easier, and I usually don't do much with my hair, so that helps too. But getting out of my warm bed to splash cold water on my face is just not a happy thing.
Turns out, however, that every single day, it is worth doing. =)
Yesterday, I went to Mass and spent a lot of it thinking about my future. What does God want me to do? Am I supposed to get married and raise a family? Or am I supposed to do something else? Go figure, as I'm wondering about this, the lector says "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world." That is ironic, because my "something else" option involves moving to Guatemala and opening an orphanage. (There, when people can't afford their babies, they throw them in dumpsters. I found that out and just felt like I HAD to help them).
So, I'm going to find a spiritual director. Because the idea that I may never wear a white dress in front of a church with a smiling guy in a tux is just a bit too much to bear.
In other news, training for the triathlon is going well. I've learned that no matter how much I do it, I will always hate running, but will always love the feeling I get afterwards (endorphins, perhaps?).
Today, however, is dedicated to moving. I haven't started packing yet... should probably get to doing that as the Uhaul arrives this evening.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
All in a night's work
Well, it is 10 am and I'm just now getting to bed. Ah the joys of the midnight shift. Problem is, I drank a cup of "coffee" (since I hate coffee, I put in 10 packets of sugar and a bunch of milk) before I got off work at 7:30 and it worked a bit TOO well. I was awake for the hour drive home (which was the point of the coffee) but have learned that coffee makes me REALLY awake. So I decided to go to Mass. Of course, the one church that has an 8:30am Saturday mass is the one church that I couldn't find (even with 20 minutes of driving around). So I decided to just go home. Out of boredom I took a new route... and this new route took me by St. Charles -- the one church in Monroe that has perpetual adoration. So I decided to stop by the chapel and say a rosary. I've gotta say - I'm probably going to spend a LOT more time in that chapel.
Anyway, I'm home now and I have to leave in 6 hours for my next job (babysitting a teeny one). I was hoping to get some training in today but unfortunately it doesn't look like that's going to happen. Unless Harper is up for a stroller ride this evening! Perhaps that'll work out... if the rain holds for me!
p.s. If you have the time, could you pray for a few people? Grandpa Fred, Mr. Chalfa, Amy, and a young patient of mine whose heart gave out when she gave birth to her daughter 2 months ago (and there's nothing they can do to save her) could all benefit greatly from your prayers, as could their families and friends. =)
Friday, August 28, 2009
#29: Complete a Triathlon
This week I began training for #29 on My List: Complete a Triathlon. You should know that I know absolutely nothing about triathlons. I had the idea that they involve biking, running, and swimming but not much else. A few days ago, I didn't even know that there were different lengths of triathlons - nor which order the events were in. However, my life took a 180 this Summer. The boyfriend & I finally broke up... something that should have happened months ago... I rededicated my life to God, reorganized my values, and started living for God for the first time in years and years. I have NEVER been happier than I have been in the past 2 months. =) And now that I've made-over my religious life, family life, and social life, I am making over the fitness area of life by working toward #29: Complete a Triathlon.
Here's what I've learned so far:
- There are lots of different lengths of triathlons. Common ones are the Sprint triathlon (swim ~half a mile, bike 20km or 12.4 miles-, run 5km or 3.1 miles), the Olympic length triathlon (swim 1.5km or .93 miles, bike 40km or 24.8 miles, run 10k or 6.2 miles), a half Ironman (swim 1.9km or 1.2 miles, bike 90km or 56 miles, run 21.09 km or 13.1 miles), and the Ironman (swim 3.8 km or 2.4 miles, bike 180 km or 112 miles, and run 42.2 km or 26.2 miles -aka a marathon).
- First you swim, then you bike, and you end with the run.
- You don't wear the same thing the whole time.
- Transitioning from one event to the next isn't easy.
- Triathlons are expensive
I have a lot to learn!
I did choose my Triathlon though! It is on June 19, 2010 at Sandy Pines Resort in Hopkins, Michigan. It's Olympic length. I decided on this one for a few reasons. First, I'm probably only going to do this once, and it has to be worthy of crossing off the list. All of the trainers and websites told me NOT to start with a half-Ironman. They all suggested a Sprint triathlon (or a Super Sprint, which is even shorter) but a sprint triathlon just didn't seem long enough to qualify as REALLY doing a triathlon. Then someone I work for suggested I try an Olympic length Triathlon, and thus, I found Johan's Trifest on June 19th.
I started training this week. I realized I left my only pair of tennis shoes (left over from my one year of high school cross country) in Guatemala. Thus, I began running in some random pink shoes that are definitely not meant for working out. And then I started getting shin splints. (My shins and I hate running). So I went to Dick's yesterday and bought myself a good pair of running shoes. And fell in love.
These are the coolest shoes I've ever seen. First of all, they have my favorite color of blue. But better than that is the chip I bought to put in them. It's this little piece of plastic that fits into the sole of my left shoe. I plug a corresponding chip into my iPod and my shoes tell my iPod how fast I'm running, how far, and all sorts of things. A guy's voice comes on my headphones telling me how many calories I'm burning, how fast I'm going, and whatever else I want to know. Not only that but it plays my Workout Playlist and when I need a boost, it plays the song I chose as my "PowerSong." When I'm done, I can plug my iPod into my computer and it downloads all of my workout information into a program that tracks my progress. Needless to say, it's the coolest thing ever.
Not only that, but that guy's voice makes me want to run a thousand times faster. Yesterday was only my second time running in over a year and his voice got me to run 7 minute miles (faster than I ran in cross country!). Today, despite my screaming muscles and the fact that today was supposed to be rest day (where I ride my bike instead of running), I opted for a 2 mile run and went at a 6:45 pace. Course, I didn't pay attention to how fast I was going while I was running... otherwise I would've slowed down a bit. But, alas, I went too fast and now I can barely walk.
Ah well, it'll pay off in 295 days! (I hope!)
The List (that started it all)
My List
1. Slow dance in the rain.
Completed March 9, 2007
2. Identify a constellation besides the Big Dipper.
Completed December 28, 2006
3. Write a song.
4. Witness a miracle.
5. Fall in love.
Completed December 2006
6. Go bungee jumping.
7. Fly a kite at night.
Completed August 18, 2007
8. Witness an eclipse.
Completed February 20, 2008
9. Fly in an open topped airplane.
10. Make a wish on a shooting star at midnight.
11. Ride in a hot air balloon.
12. Receive a message in a bottle.
13. See a tornado in person.
14. Catch a fish on a homemade fishing pole.
15. Watch Titanic.
Completed September 22, 2008
16. Go to Canada.
17. Say "I love you" and mean it.
Completed November 8, 2006
18. Do some graffiti and leave it there.
19. Build a campfire without cut firewood.
20. Let 99 red balloons go outside and watch them float away.
21. Do a Chinese fire drill on I-75.
22. Save a life.
23. Grow close enough to God to hear Him speak to me.
Completed July 4, 2009
24. Drive from the East coast to the West coast.
25. Go to Venice, Italy.
Completed February 23, 2008
26. Run a stop sign.
Completed August 17, 2007
27. Trust a boy completely.
Completed October 19, 2008
28. Go skydiving.
29. Complete a triathlon.
Completed March 9, 2007
2. Identify a constellation besides the Big Dipper.
Completed December 28, 2006
3. Write a song.
4. Witness a miracle.
5. Fall in love.
Completed December 2006
6. Go bungee jumping.
7. Fly a kite at night.
Completed August 18, 2007
8. Witness an eclipse.
Completed February 20, 2008
9. Fly in an open topped airplane.
10. Make a wish on a shooting star at midnight.
11. Ride in a hot air balloon.
12. Receive a message in a bottle.
13. See a tornado in person.
14. Catch a fish on a homemade fishing pole.
15. Watch Titanic.
Completed September 22, 2008
16. Go to Canada.
17. Say "I love you" and mean it.
Completed November 8, 2006
18. Do some graffiti and leave it there.
19. Build a campfire without cut firewood.
20. Let 99 red balloons go outside and watch them float away.
21. Do a Chinese fire drill on I-75.
22. Save a life.
23. Grow close enough to God to hear Him speak to me.
Completed July 4, 2009
24. Drive from the East coast to the West coast.
25. Go to Venice, Italy.
Completed February 23, 2008
26. Run a stop sign.
Completed August 17, 2007
27. Trust a boy completely.
Completed October 19, 2008
28. Go skydiving.
29. Complete a triathlon.
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